Yoga Benefits

How yoga helps to boost your immune system

How yoga helps to boost your immune system – Scientifically back evidence to keep you healthy! Ahead of winter a lot of people are naturally worried about getting sick. But fighting off colds, the flu and viruses isn’t just about avoiding the places where nasties hide! Your body needs to be in tip top shape and looking after yourself is

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Bikram Posture #16 – Cobra

Cobra Pose (otherwise known as Bhujangasana) is the first posture in the spine strengthening series. Cobra Pose increases flexibility and strengthens the back, providing many benefits including balance to the abdominal wall. Benefits of Cobra: Improves concentration and determination Massages and tones the back muscles as well as strengthening the deltoids, trapezius and triceps muscles Increases overall spinal strength and

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Bikram Posture #7 – Balancing Stick

The Balancing Stick Pose, also known as Tuladandasana, is one of the most beautiful, poised, and impressive forms to look upon. This pose is the perfect expression of pose and core strength, and it helps us identify any areas in our core or legs where we may need some extra strengthening work. In a Bikram Yoga class, the instructors will

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Bikram Posture #4 – Eagle

Bikram Posture – Eagle There is perhaps no pose as visually striking as the Eagle Pose, also known as the Gaurasana. This pose draws the entire body in to centre and creates a pillar-like silhouette that shows strength, balance, and form. The eagle pose is often used to demonstrate the many benefits one attains from practicing Bikram Yoga because of

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Bikram Posture #3 – Awkward

The Bikram Posture Awkward: Strengthens and firms all the muscles of thighs calves and hips. Makes hip joints more flexible Firms Upper arms Increases circulation to knee and ankle joints Relieves arthritis and rheumatism. Helps with slipped disc and lumbago of the lower spine Requires laser like concentration Focus on your core Calls for great stamina and focus Part 1

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The Incredible Power of Regular Exercise

We all know exercise is good for you whether it is yoga, running or even walking, however the power of regular exercise is far greater than most people realise. The good news is that exercising to improve our health doesn’t have to be a gruelling three hour marathon in the winter cold or summer sun, simple steps and small changes

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Adelaide Yin Yoga

Adelaide Yin Yoga is what you’ve been missing! Adelaide Yin Yoga  is something you might have heard about but is something you need to discover and find out why you should visit a local studio here in our own backyard. In today’s busy world, traffic jams, meetings and constant social media alerts, sometimes it can seem easier to just sit back

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