Bikram Posture #16 – Cobra

Cobra Pose (otherwise known as Bhujangasana) is the first posture in the spine strengthening series.
Cobra Pose increases flexibility and strengthens the back, providing many benefits including balance to the abdominal wall.

Benefits of Cobra:

  • Improves concentration and determination
  • Massages and tones the back muscles as well as strengthening the deltoids, trapezius and triceps muscles
  • Increases overall spinal strength and flexibility
  • Can help prevent bad posture and backaches in the lower back
  • May assist in relieving menstrual problems and may assist in helping to cure lumbago, rheumatism and arthritis of the spine
  • Can assist liver and spleen function

Tips for Cobra:

  • Keep fingers together and no farther than the top of your shoulder
  • Look up to the ceiling, using back strength to lift yourself, rather than your arm strength
  • Bodies are proportionate, so it is common for the belly button to come up off the floor, don’t be too alarmed
  • To prevent injury and help proper alignment, make sure that your arms are “L-shaped” at a 90-degree angle from the side