Bikram Posture #3 – Awkward

The Bikram Posture Awkward:

  • Strengthens and firms all the muscles of thighs calves and hips. Makes hip joints more flexible
  • Firms Upper arms
  • Increases circulation to knee and ankle joints
  • Relieves arthritis and rheumatism. Helps with slipped disc and lumbago of the lower spine
  • Requires laser like concentration
  • Focus on your core
  • Calls for great stamina and focus

Part 1

Work from the base up. Sit down feet flat first, then lift upper body back, looking a few inches above your head in the mirror

Part 2

  • Sit down with back straight
  • Sit down on top of toes.
  • Steady body, and bring the chin up, pushing into the toes helps
  • (DON’T turn your head – Look straight in front)

Part 3

  • Keep your hips above your heels: not a static posture
  • You are strengthening your adductor muscles and engaging your core,
  • Keep the spine always straight.

Throughout always keep your arms straight and 6 inches apart- mindfully strong- fingers together